Extended School Year Services
Extended School Year services (ESY) is offered to special education students who typically regress and struggle with recoupment of IEP goals after extended breaks in the academic year.     Children may also regress in social skills and have difficulty with behaviors when school is not in session.     Additionally, summer can be an excellent time to provide students with job training and instruction in other vocational skills in the Pittsburgh area.     For over six years, Grade Point Resources has designed quality and fun ESY programs for students K-12, serving 300 plus students.
Our ESY program focuses on maintaining and improving academic skills (reading, math, written expression).     We provide daily social skills classes.     We include mental health components for students who struggle with stress and anger management.     Children of transition age also receive community-based instruction and vocational training.     Throughout the program, our staff also included activities to address occupational therapy and pragmatic language goals.     Grade Point Resources is able to provide a quality extended school year program, often at a cost-savings, to your school district.
Job Coaching
Many school districts struggle with how to provide job training to students of transition age.     Often times vocational training is limited to what resources districts can provide in-house.     Grade Point Resources, using vocational interest surveys, can build a job coaching program tailored to the needs of particular students.
Specialized Classrooms
Grade Point Resources can provide specialized classrooms (autistic support, emotional support, life skills, and vocational training) located on your school district's campus using our trained teachers and staff.     We can serve difficult populations of students and avoid private school tuitions and transportation costs.